
Plasma Applications Technology Cleaning And Treatment Wholesale

Plasma TreatmentThere are two types of plasma treatment equipment i.e. vacuum plasma and atmospheric plasma treatment equipment. What is Plasma?Plasma- when energy is given to a solid it becomes a liquid. Apply more energy to a liquid and it becomes Wholesale PC Laptop Cable Adapter a gas. If further energy is applied to a gas it then becomes plasma.As we know the purpose of Plasma Treating is to modify the surface of polymer-based materials to increase surface wet ability through electrical discharge. The low surface energy of numerous polymer-based substrates often leads to poor adhesion of reactive resins, inks, glues and coatings. To obtain optimum adhesion, it is often essential to increase the surface energy of the substrate to just above that of the material to be applied. Plasma Treatment machines can give good treatment levels and result in good wetting of the material over the surface of the substrate and so improves surface energy.How Does Plasma treatment Work?Let explain how does plasma treatment work; when used for surface treatment and critical cleaning applications, ions and electrons in the plasma react with the surface of Wholesale materials placed within the plasma chamber. The result is a complete removal of organic contamination, and on polymers, a permanent chemical modification of the surface. Reactive resins may be imparted to the surface resulting in a dramatic increase in bond strength and other properties, without affecting the bulk properties of the material.I know a iPod Accessories company i.e. Bartec has developed a unique cold plasma treatment solution (safe for electronics) which is potential free (no charge) focused primarily to promote or improve adhesion of different resins with plastic and other material parts that without a plasma application there would be no or little adhesion between the resin and the plastic. Plasma treatment of surfaces requires only electric power and gas to operate. Different gases (air, nitrogen, argon, etc) produce different results and different levels of adhesion on plasma treated plastics.As output of the use of plasma treatment the surface energies of plastics, metals or glass are multiplied by a significant factor. In this way the surfaces become receptive to process steps such as coating, applying print or adhesive bonding. Materials such as plastic, metal, glass or textiles are efficiently and effectively cleaned, activated or coated with atmospheric pressure plasma. Plasma treatment replaces chemical cleaners and primer applications to promote adhesion. Our plasma technology is easy to integrate in production lines, highly capable and affordable.And, A plasma treatment activates, cleans and coats PRIOR to bonding, foaming, dispensing a CIPG, dispensing a FIPG, dispensing beads, dispensing silicone foams, polyurethane foams, epoxies, silicones, polyurethanes, adhesives and any other resin that may have issues bonding to definite plastic materials.This article Wholesale PSP Accessories is taken from my own website i.e. http://www.bartec-dt.com/plasma-overview-and-technology.html

